FCI World Winner 2018, VDH ES 2018, EW 2019 Anke vom Emmenlaufnest, born 28/11/2016
(Import from Switzerland), breeder: Esther Neuhaus, form value: excellent, BOB, BOS
Lz: sound detection, BP Brandenburg FG A, D, E

Currently no breeding permission / ZTP participation is denied by the responsible VDH member club!

Father: FCI WS 2017, VDH ES 2015, Dt Ch VDH, Europeans Winner 2019 Ivo from the Ilkahoehe FCI (Lucerne)
Mother: FCI WS 2012, GW 2016, Dt CH VDH, I SchCh, VDH ES 2017 Alwine from the Ilkahoehe FCI (Schwyzer)




First bitch of the kennel of the Ilkahoehe FCI

FCI World Winner 2010, Dt BJS 2008, German Youth Champion VDH, International Beauty Champion,
VDH Europe Veteran Winner 2017, German Veteran Champion (VDH),
FCI World Veteran Winner 2017 Alfa from the Elbisfluh, SHSB / LOS 663032 (Import from Switzerland)
born 7.7. 2007 (castrated in 2018), F
orm value: excellent, multiple CAC, CACIB, BOB,
Lz: AP, BP Brandenburg FG A, E, JGHV VSwP / 20 Sw II, JGHV VSwP / 40 Sw / I.,
Accustomed to life: excellent,  shoulder height 37 cm

Father: Janko vom Grundli Mother: CH Jgd.Ch Dunja vom Rauchle Hof


Blümchen of the Elbisfluh, born 17.12.2008 died 09.09.2022 SHSB / LOS Reg. A09668
(Import from Switzerland)
Lz: sound detection, BP Brandenburg FG A, E
Form value: angekört in Switzerland, shoulder height 38 cm

Blümchen had 2 litters, the second litter consisted of only one puppy.

Father: Tino Ares (tricolor)    Mother: CH Jgd. Ch Dunja vom Rauchle Hof (berner)


FCI World Winner 2012 Florence (Import from France), born 13.05.2010 Breeder: Gilles Thebault
Lz: sound detection, BP Brandenburg FG A, E Form value: excellent, ZTP,  shoulder height 34 cm

Florence had 4 litters.

Father: A`Vulkan (berner) Mother: Amazone (rough-coated, berner)