FCI World Winner 2018, VDH ES 2018, EW 2019 Anke vom Emmenlaufnest, born 28/11/2016
(Import from Switzerland), breeder: Esther Neuhaus, form value: excellent, BOB, BOS
Lz: sound detection, BP Brandenburg FG A, D, E
Currently no breeding permission / ZTP participation is denied by the responsible VDH member club!
Father: FCI WS 2017, VDH ES 2015, Dt Ch VDH, Europeans Winner 2019 Ivo from the Ilkahoehe FCI (Lucerne)
Mother: FCI WS 2012, GW 2016, Dt CH VDH, I SchCh, VDH ES 2017 Alwine from the Ilkahoehe FCI (Schwyzer)